Meeting with the second guest of professor Edmund Kizik perfectly suited the title of the entire series: Why do we need history? as the discussion concerned History in the upbringing of moderns Poles: a theme suggested by professor Andrzej Nowak – prominent historian and political author, head of Department of East European History at Jagiellonian University and professor at Institute of History of Polish Academy of Sciences.
Institute of History of Polish Academy of Sciences. Significant part of professor Nowak’s dissertation was devoted to Polish-Russian relations, which occupy first position in the ranking of his scientific interests. Professor reminded the audience of the time of Stalin’s Great Terror, and stressed the fact that the genocide had been directed largely at Poles. In professor Nowak’s opinion, one of primary duties of a politician is to stand up for fair coverage of history, against principles of political correctness, which – in his view – should not have place in the science of history. When professor Kizik expressed doubt concerning engagement of historians in political disputes, our Guest answered that a historian should not remain indifferent to political attempts at manipulating history, such as equating sacrifices made by Poland and Austria during the Second World War.
With masterful lecture by professor Nowak and discussion led excellently by professor Kizik on 13 March 2013 the audience of the series had therefore occasion to participate in lively, current and accurate historical debate.