The protagonist of our last TeKa refleksji meeting before holiday break was professor Janusz Górski – graphic, book designer, lecturer at the Department of Graphic of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, co-founder of the “słowo/obraz” publishing house, founder and chief editor of “czysty warsztat” publishing house, laureate of „Najpiękniejsze Książki Roku” contest and Award of Honor of Polish Association of Book Publishers, curator of Bałtyckie Spotkania Ilustratorów, owner and artistic director of graphic studio and printing facility “Pracownia”.
As if to contrast long (although still too short as compared to the list of achievements of our guest) list of professor Górski’s prizes and affiliations, his lecture entitled Rudiments of graphic design (not only) for lawyers, was a concise presentation on the most significant concepts from the domain of graphic, arts and aesthetics (in broad terms). Due to exceptional visual value of the lecture, the meeting was this one time held in the seat of Chipolbrok instead of in Manor of Sierakowscy.
Professor Górski divided his lecture into three parts. In the first one he answered the question „why it is sometimes so hard to come to terms with a graphic”. In the second part he presented „4 rules by Górski” regarding theory of design. In the last fragment he offered „first aid in typography – a handful of practical advice”. These topics, backed up by great erudition of our guest and his capacity to problematize even most difficult issues in a clear manner, also covered reflection on main principles of art and criterion of beauty, which – according to our guest – deserted high art, but still functions in applied art. Thanks to professor’s remarks accompanied by explicit illustrations the audience in a flash became attentive observers of the aesthetics of surroundings – right after exiting into turbulent, also in visual terms, Śląska street.