Sheltered from the summer rain under the roofs of the hospitable hall in Chipolbrok, on 24th August 2012, we had the opportunity to listen to what cannot be called a lecture, but rather a discussion between Father Andrzej Draguła and the editor, Zbigniew Nosowski.
The discussion focused on the new publication by Father Draguła, a prominent journalist and a professor at the University of Szczecin, eloquently titled – Copyright to Jesus. Language, sign, ritual between faith and unbelief. Zbigniew Nosowski, the editor-in-chief of “Więź” magazine, prepared a special choreography for the occasion. Having placed chairs on both sides of a table, once he portrayed the role of a conservative critic, and then a role of a left-wing supporter.
Attacked from both sides, the Author strongly refuted allegations, stating his purpose as highlighting problems and allowing people to make decisions. In the eyes of Father Andrzej Draguła, the world is not black and white, and therefore a rationally thinking theologian must be “for or even against.” He is to give tools to facilitate thinking and not to think for others. Discussing such topics as contemporary blasphemy and secularization, Father Draguła emphasized that in all the disputes, the point should not be about the games of civilization and culture, but about the salvation of men.