Professor, PhD, solicitor
professor at Warsaw School of Economics, financial law, competition law, EU law
Financial law (including law of capital markets), competition law and state aid law, European Union internal market law (especially EU freedom of movement of goods and services)
Foreign languages
English, Danish, Czech, Russian
Additional information
Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics. In 2007, he was entered on the list of advocates as part of the District Bar Council in Warsaw. Member of the FIDE board, member of the board of the Polish Association of European Law, member of the European Union Studies Association. In the years 2007-2013, he was a member of the Supreme Chamber of Control’s college in 2013 appointed as the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Author of books and scientific studies in the field of European law, as well as public administration.
European folklore, sports, classical music.