After exceptionally long, almost six weeks long break, participants of TeKa refleksji meetings gathered in Manor of Sierakowscy for another spring lecture. Its protagonist was Zbigniew Mikołejko – philosopher and historian of religion, essayist, professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science, author of numerous books on philosophical and religious issues. His lecture, given on 4 July 2013, accompanied publication of his recent book entitled We władzy wisielca. Z dziejów wyobraźni Zachodu, published by “oficyna słowo/obraz terytoria”.
His lecture, entitled Sacrum and violence – given in the form of a tale, but by no means less significant and moving, was based on the problem of a scapegoat. This sociological, philosophical and at the same time psychological concept, once developed by René Girard, provided grounds for reflections on violence in the modern world.
Reaching for various sources and examples – from the Bible to recent case of Ania Helman from Kiełpino – Zbigniew Mikołejko did not hesitate to present most daring and not always convenient thesis, which obviously evoked vivid discussion after the tale-lecture. Combination of ease of the reasoning and incredible erudition of the author proved to be exquisite mixture, which undoubtedly will be long remembered by the audience.